Where should I go for care

Con­di­tions Treated

Imme­di­ate Care Center

Abdom­i­nal Pain

Aller­gic Reactions
Asth­ma & Croup
Back Pain
Bro­ken Bones
Chest Con­ges­tion
Cough, Cold & Flu Symptoms
Cuts, Lac­er­a­tions or Wounds
Ear Pain
Ear Wax Removal
Eye Irri­ta­tion or Injury


For­eign Object Removal
Headache & Migraines
Insect & Ani­mal Bites
Nau­sea, Vom­it­ing or Diarrhea
Pelvic Pain
Skin Irri­ta­tion & Abscess
Sprains & Strains
Sports Phys­i­cals

STD Test­ing (HIV test­ing must be ordered with a pri­ma­ry care provider.

Sus­pect­ed Kid­ney Stone
Uri­nary Tract Infec­tions (UTI)
Vagi­nal Complaints

On-Site Test­ing

Imme­di­ate Care Center

Lab Ser­vices

*No test­ing is avail­able after 5 p.m. on week­days,
and no test­ing is avail­able on weekends.

CT Scans

*No test­ing is avail­able after 5 p.m. on week­days,
and no test­ing is avail­able on weekends

*No test­ing is avail­able after 5 p.m. on weekdays,
and no test­ing is avail­able on weekends.


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